Awaken These Broken Clocks
Imagine being a guest in your own home and trying to get a word in amongst the group conversations where you become not only ignored but mute suddenly because no one is actually hearing you. To the point where you begin asking permission to have a seat in your favorite chair that was purposely obtained for no-one's rear-end except your own. Something like being placed into a corner because you spoke when you weren't supposed to and accidently said something out of character which led you into facing the wall as a punishment. And now your mind is on repeat with the question, "what in the world could I have possibly done that was so bad?" Well, If you know like I know then the answer is, NOTHING Really! It's just a traditional thing that every human has to experience some way, shape or form; "no hard feelings", is technically what we're told when placed inside this sorta kinda box.
Now hypothetically within this invisible box that is imagined to be pretty confined and so closed off, to where you can barely move while feeling like you're submerged into this poisonous fog. Why isn't our first instincts activated to take a step forward? or perhaps a step backwards? or maybe left/right to get outside of this invisible box the moment you are placed upon it; instead of rambling within our heads and accepting the punishment without any reasons to WHY. From a historical aspect, I understand the "once upon a time" stories when many of us had no authority to ask questions or you'll be punished with no legitimate answer if we shall at our own risk. Yet still in real time, many of us have subconsciously inherited similar patterns as doomed to be normal because someone said that you must experience some form of punishment that is meant to disrupt your souls purpose; Now I doubt if someone used those exact words but you get the drift.
For a long time many of us wouldn't think of it from that stand point, sorta kinda brushing things off. Yet the craziest part is all the build up filled with loads of trauma and excruciating pain for centuries causing our minds and hearts to be dismantled, leaving our physical body's to be dysfunctional. Just like internal plaque that happens to reduce the body's blood flow and suddenly a huge burst can unexpectedly approach causing more harm than good. As all natural beings on this planet, here in the now everything on earth is flowing to secure a mission as the first in History throughout bloodlines to break, cut, slash and shake things up somewhat how nature does.
As we already know, through time the earth naturally shifts during a multitude of disasters with the intention to rebuild new structures to a way of living that is filled with pure love and not in some kinda box. So when you hear the term: "Breaking Generational chains, cords & curses", what does that idea appear like within your visions?

For some breaking chains will probably look like something tangible, such as being the first to start a business out of the family's 3+generations and actually running it to assure that it will last for the purpose of resources that can sustain, provide and supply for both the immediate family and others. Cutting cords will most likely be this bittersweet situation in much need of pruning, somewhat like weeds due to all the entanglement that involves the unhappily married with children idea or the famous saying, "No-one should be alone". Once again through time, breaking curses will probably be the toughest part because it requires releasing a long length of the many traditions that has been a lowkey interpretation as spell work without a heightened sense of knowing. All of those who said, "where you going, what you doing, who you with, don't do that, you should do this" is not always because their worried and just want to look out for you. So, yes most likely it may catch the family and friends off guard when you decide to skip Thanksgiving dinner or choose to not celebrate any monthly holiday that requires you to frivolously spend your precious energy, just for the sake of it being traditional.
So if your thinking, what does it take to shake things up? I can easily say all it takes is releasing of all the things that repeated itself time after time. Such as the heavy burdens, all of the sticky attachments, the bad habits and toxic negative patterns. But do YOU truly believe in overturning centuries of damage, turmoil, fear, depression, illness, and just overall baggage they never belonged to you in the first place. Answer me this question, when being in this constant rotation of "time", do you ever relieve yourself of time? And if so, how do you escape the pressure of schedules, deadlines and traditions that spins round & round nonstop for the sake of keeping yourself occupied.
All and all, think of the things that can happen outside of your "imaginary" box that you were placed in from day 1. As for time can be restored and broken clocks can be repaired. Know that there's a written script with a distinct purpose strictly meant for every individual to follow pursuit within their own divine timing. Go get your mojo back and be you! Chop it up however your used to talking to the almighty, make sure to be patient with yourself and just like precious energy, don't sleep on your time that is not well spent or shall I say circulated.

And until next time, One Love 🖤
Ms. Blaque